frequently asked questions

About our products
We've received a lot of great feedback about our products. You can find reviews from other customers on the product pages under the product details section.
Security and payment methods
We accept most major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard and American Express. We also accept Maestro debit cards. See more details.
Of course! Just call +34 930 186 466 and we’ll be able to process your payment and answer all your questions. Alternatively, you can place your order on our website. Payment on our site is 100% secure. Please note that for instalment payments, you'll need to place your order through our website, as you'll be redirected to the finance company's website to complete the financing.
Our payment system is completely secure. All transaction information is encrypted using 128-bit SSL. You can rest assured that in no case will your information be viewed, used or modified by third parties attempting to gain access to sensitive information.
You'll receive a call from one of our customer service agents to inform you of the delivery date and arrange a suitable time. If we're unable to get in touch, the courier service will contact you at a later date to arrange a different delivery time.
Yes, we deliver all items together. If you want to receive a certain product with faster delivery, you'll have to make a separate purchase
Yes, we’ll send you an email confirming your order and the final amount.
Guarantee and returns
All our products come with a manufacturer's guarantee. This is in addition to your legal rights as a consumer.
This isn’t a problem provided you contact us within 14 days of receiving the product
In the unlikely event that one of the purchased products arrives damaged, you can send us photos and a description of the damage along with your order number. We’ll use this information to find the best solution to the problem. Please note that damage is rare due to the high-quality packaging and transport service of our products.